Author Topic: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game  (Read 4402 times)

Offline 777Godspeed

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Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:34:39 PM »
Just picked this game up and can't wait to play it. It looks to be part of the WarHammer 40,000 genre. Has anyone else played this game? Also....I've been looking into getting Galaxy Trucker (base game), Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion and Pandemic (base game), Pandemic: On The Brink.............has anyone else played these games? If so, I'd appreciate some feedback....thanks

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The Schaef

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2011, 12:11:33 AM »
Death Angel is in fact based on the WH40K mythos (duh... Space Hulk?  ;) )  and I like the fact that it's a low-cost 40k game, that it's cooperative, and that it can be played solitaire (don't judge me).  Some people like the constant tension and feeling of inescapable doom that fits perfectly in the 40k universe.  Others do not like the idea that you can plan as carefully as possible and then just get hosed by a random card flip.  So your mileage may vary, but you've already got the game, so hope it turns out awesome for you!

Pandemic is a great co-operative game.  Do yourself a favor and play with your card hands open; it doesn't make any difference anyway, and hidden hands in a co-op game is a dumb rule.  It's not like there's a traitor aspect a la Shadows or BSG.  You can also play the game solitaire just fine; some recommend two roles, similar to playing Arkham Horror with two characters, but I find it plays just fine with one role, just take out the ones that don't make sense with one player, like the card-passing power.

You don't necessarily need the expansion right away but it might be good to have once your mates have figured out the formula to stomp on Pandemic with regularity.  It doesn't really expand the base game so much as add different ways to play the game.  Yes you have more roles, you can do 5 players and a higher difficulty setting, but the bulk of the box content is for the variants: the fifth disease, the virulent strain, and the "bio-terrorist" which changes the game to one-versus-all.

I haven't played Galaxy trucker but everyone I know who's played it has liked it.  It's an expensive box, though.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2011, 11:28:07 AM »
Pandemic (base game), Pandemic: On The Brink.............has anyone else played these games? If so, I'd appreciate some feedback....thanks
Long time now see Godspeed, good to see you're still around :)

I've played Pandemic and really liked the idea of the game.  We played it on easy (or medium if there's 3 levels) because we had heard it was super hard to beat.  We cruised in our first game.  But it was a group of 4 serious gamers, so we had an advantage.  I'd love to try it again on hard sometime.  It's probably the next game that I'll be buying.

Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 11:45:45 PM »
Thanks for the input Schaef and Prof U....I think I will end up getting both as they both sound like much fun....

@ Prof U - I've been a shadow here on the boards just not actively playing. It is possible here in the near future that I will start actively playing again. I will need to get the Disciples set and the one coming out this August, just minor   I've always enjoyed playing and the challenge that comes with it and miss it immensely. This is a great family to be part of.

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The Schaef

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 09:05:13 AM »
Quick side note: I picked up Space Hulk at the Buckeye Game Fest this weekend, so we'll see how that goes.

Offline SomeKittens

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2011, 09:24:18 AM »
Quick side note: I picked up Space Hulk at the Buckeye Game Fest this weekend, so we'll see how that goes.
The board game, or aforementioned card game?
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The Schaef

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Re: Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2011, 09:39:07 AM »
The card game.  I thought about shorthanding it to "Death Angel" but that seemed too grim, and I assumed people would link it back to the card game by leaving it in this thread, but given that the name of the board game literally is just "Space Hulk", that was assuming too much.

A shame, really, but I don't have the hundred-whatever bucks to drop on a project like that, esp. since there aren't a lot of miniatures players in my area. Usually I settle for board games that include miniatures and come in a coffin box, to maintain the illusion that you're playing a miniatures game.  That's why the gems of my collection include Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit, Starcraft and Earth Reborn, and why I was really wishing I had the money for Star Trek: Fleet Captains, as the box grinned mockingly at me the entire weekend.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:41:34 AM by The Schaef »


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