Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on November 07, 2008, 01:26:56 AM
Needs: Money for tux via papal
NEW OFFER any 10(non mega) figures 30 bux!
Chrome = Silver based (X)Y) X is the series number. Y is the figure number. ( < What each Special power I am listing is. The (*name*) after the ability tells what they work with.
Points For squad building... next to names in (#)
Any text between the figure's attack and Special power (upon death) is an additional special ability the figure has while in play.\
Any questions about the figures please ask me.
Mint in bag figures:
(Chrome) (3(30) R2-Q5(10) - No attack. Press a button on his head to spin the red/green dial on his front. If Green double the movement (tix) of one trooper for one turn. Rally(Trooper) - Rare
(Chrome) (4)6) At-St Driver(10) - Small blaster. Attackback (Leader) -Common
(Chrome) (2)4) Scout trooper(10) - Small blaster. Shootback(Trooper) -Common
(Chrome) (3)06) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Charge X3(Imperial) -Uncommon
(3)26) Biggs DarkLighter(30) - Medium blaster. Attackback X2 (Rebel) - Rare
(3)17) Heavy Stormtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Sacrifice(Stormtrooper). - Uncommon
(4)08) Imperial Officer(20) - Small blaster. Battle Cry - Rare
(4)2) Endor Scout(10) - Small blaster. Shootback(Trooper) - Common
(4)1) Biker Scout(10) - Small blaster. Attackback(Imperial) - Common
(4)4) Stormtrooper(10) - Small blaster. Charge x2 (Imperial) - Common
Mint (completely mint) out of bag.
(Chrome) (2)20) Medic Droid(20) No attack. Set pointer at one. At the start of each turn move the pointer forward one number. When pointer reaches one again, Return any defeated figure to play. - Rare
Non mint but work perfectly (if you would like ask what is non mint about them). Note: Any Boba Fett figures do not have his custom bullet. I will add a normal medium missile for them, it is the exact same size and power missile it just lacks shininess.
X # After the information means I have multiple of this figure available.
(1)13) Super Optimus Prime(40) - Super missile (Custom huge missile). Transform(Super Optimus Prime vehicle mode) - Rare
(1)1) Mini-Con(1) - Small missile. Attackback(autobot)
(GOLD) Super Optimus Prime(40) - Super missile (Custom huge missile). Recovery(any) - Rare
(1)11) Vector Prime(40) - Medium missile. VengenceX2(Insecticons) - Rare
(1)08) StarScream(30) - Medium middile. Rally(Decepticon) - Rare
(1)15) Scroponok - Claw attack. RecruitX2(Insecticons) - Rare
(1)6) Battle Ravage. - Mace attack. Rally(Battle Ravage) - Uncommon
(1)3) Decepticlone - Small missile. Attackback(Decepticon) - Common
(1)7) Scourge - Axe attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Uncommon
Star wars:
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common
(1)33) Wookiee Commando(30) (Republic) - Medium Missile. Attackback(leader) - Uncommon X3
(1)3) Wookiee scout(20) - Small missile. Attackback(Warrior) - Common x3
(1)20) Shaak Ti(40) - Force push missile. Recruit(Plo Koon). - Rare X3
(1)7) Plo Koon(40) - Force push missile. Vengence(Droid) - Uncommon X3 (One missing front sticker).
(2)10) Neimoidian Captain(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Sepratist) - Uncommon X3 (one missing back sticker)
(1)31) Obiwan Kenobi(30) - Lightsaber slash. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Uncommon X3
(3)2) Tie Pilot(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Specialist) - Common X3
(4)4) StormTrooper(10) - Small missile. Charge X2(Imperial) - Common X5
(1)2) Super Battle Droid(20) - Small Missile. Attackback(Droud) Common X4
(3)11) Greedo(20) - Medium missile. Capture(Rebel) - Uncommon X5
(1)14) Neimoidian Guard(20) - Small missile. Shootback(Nute Gunray) - Uncommon X 6
(Continued In next post)
AT-RT(70) - Four small missile attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Mega
BOGA(60) - Tail slash attack. Recruit(Obiwan Kenobi) - Mega
(GOLD)AT-RT(70) Four small missile attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Mega
Republic Gunship(70) - Transport AND Medium missile attack. Recruit(leader) -Mega X2
Omega Supreme(80) - Claw attack. Recruit(Autobot) - Mega
Omega Sentinel(70) - Four small missile attack. Rally(Autobot) - Mega
Don't hestitate to inquire on your wants to know exactly what is "wrong" with it. (Some just have a white line at the top of the label while others are missing them all together. I ironically had this happen to me alot right out of the bag.)
I was thinking
8 any mega
5 any rare
4 any uncommon
2 any common
We will weigh for shipping and tell you how much it is.
I will make custom teams if you would like to start the game. (if you buy 3 or more custom sets I will decrease your total!)
Star wars:
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommon
(4)14) Admiral Ackbar(30) - Medium missile. Recruit(Rebel) - Rare
(3)32) Darth Vader(30) - Lightsaber slash. Sacrafice(Trooper) - Uncommon
(4)1) Biker Scout(10) - Small missile. Attackback(imperial) - Common
(2)2) Scout Trooper(10) - Small missile. Shootback(Trooper) - Common
(3)17) Heavy Stormtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Sacrifice(Stormtrooper). - Uncommon
(3)16) Hammerhead(30) - Custom Force push type net. Battle cry - Rare
(3)27) Wedge(20) - Medium missile. Rally X2 (X-Wing Pilot) - Rare
(1)16) Padme(30) - Small missile. Recruit(Leader) - Uncommon
(GOLD)3) Luke Skywalker(30) - Lightsaber slash. (Recruit Princess Leia) - Gold
(GOLD)2) Nute Gunray(20) - Small missile. RallyX2(Droid) - Gold
(2)18) Obiwan Kenobi(20) - Kicking. Force push (Trooper) - Rare
(3)20 Obiwan Kenobi(30) - Lightsaber slash. Force push(any) - Rare
(Chrome) (1)4) Bail Organa(30) - Small missile. Attackback(Leader) - Rare
(3)34) Imperial Officer(20) - Small missile. Charge X2 (Trooper) - Rare
(2)14) Princess Leia(30) - Small missile. Recruit(Rebel) - Uncommon x2
(3)33) Captain Antilles(20) - Medium missile. Rally(Trooper) - Uncommon
(1)15) Commander Bly(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Trooper) - Uncommon
(2)16) Mace Windu(40) - Force Push missile. Sacrifice(Warrior) - Uncommon
(2)30) Boba Fett(30) - Medium missile. Capture(any) if specialist is in play. - Rare.
(1)9) Wookie Commando(30) (Wookie) - Medium missile. Rally(Wookie) - Uncommon
(2)5) Arc Pilot(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Captain). - Common
(4)9) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Attackback X2(Specialist) - Uncommon
(Chrome) (1)1) Battle Droid(10) - Small missile. Recruit X2 (Battle droid) - Common
(4)12) Han Solo(30) - Medium missile. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Rare
(3)7) Bossk(30) - Medium missile. Shootback X3 (Bounty Hunters) - Uncommon
(4)06) AT-ST Driver(10) - Small missile. Attackback(leader) - Common
(2)33) Mace Windu(30) - Lightsaber slash. Rally (Jedi) - Uncommon X2
(1)19) Mace Windu(30) - Lightsaber Slash. Recover(Jedi) -Rare
(2)7) Royal Guard(20) - Pole slash. Rescue(sith) - Uncommon
(2)12) Battle Droid Commander(20) - Small missile. Rally X2(Droid) - Uncommon
(2)15) Jango Fett(30) - Medium missile. Recruit(Boba Fett) - Rare
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(4)20) Han Solo(20) - Medium missile. Recover(Warrior) - Rare X2
(4)5) Royal Guard(20) - Pole slash. Stun(Rebel) X2
(3)6) X wing Pilot(10) - Small Missile. Shootback(Trooper) - Common X2 (one missing front label)
(3)1) StormTrooper(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Imperial) - Common X2
(3)18) Boba Fett(30) - Medium missile. Vengence(Rebel) - Rare X2
(2)2) Utapau Warrior(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Warrior) - Common X2 (one if backwards on the base.... O_o came that way.)
(1)27) Obiwan Kenobi(40) - Force push missile. Sacrifice(Jedi) - Rare X2
(2)08) Clone Commander(30) - Medium missile. Rally X2(Trooper) - Uncommon X3
(3)06) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Charge X3(Imperial) -Uncommon X2
(2)35) Clone commander(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Trooper) - Uncommon X2
(1)23) Agen Kolar(20) - Lightsaber slash. Rally(jedi) - Rare X2
(2)6) Grevous BodyGuard(10) - Staff strike. Attackback(Droid) - Common X2
(1)32) Anakin Skywalker(30) - Lightsaber strike. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Uncommon x2
(1)25) Nute Gunray(30) - Small missile. Shootback X2 (Nemoidian Guard) - Rare X2
(1)26) Anakin Skywalker(40) - Force push missile. Recruit(Captain or if it is black trooper for op). - Rare X2
(2)23) Chewbacca(30) - Medium missile. Recover(Han Solo) - Rare X2
(1)10) V wing Pilot(20) - Small missile. AttackBack(Trooper) - Uncommon X2 (One Chrome)
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Sepratist) - Small missile. Shootback(Sepratist) - Common X2 (One Chrome)
How about
2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X1
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1
(I only have $25)
Oh. Misunderstood.
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X2
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1
Oh. Misunderstood.
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X1
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1
For my
AOC(P) ?
Did you mean to quote that?
Would you do elijah instead of AOCP?
That'd be
65(Three lions values) Vs my 59
If You'd like me to add in one of your uncommons you had in your original list into it I can do that to even it out.
Me like
add in
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire)
Pm sent.
Hey, some of us may be interested in starting to play this up here (This Shipwrecker needs another hobby). Any way you could help us out?
Hey, some of us may be interested in starting to play this up here (This Shipwrecker needs another hobby). Any way you could help us out?
I don't mean to hijack, but you guys should really try Heroscape too! Great game.
you mean great time and money sink...both can get quite expensive... ;D
Heroscape is wayyyyy more expensive I played it for a couple of years but the only person I could play with got busy
Heroscape is wayyyyy more expensive I played it for a couple of years but the only person I could play with got busy
No, it isn't. It's $40 for about 40 figures and a bunch of terrain, than afterwards it's $10 for 6-8 figures. Plus, there's no random boosters; you choose what you get. It's just way more extensive than attacktix. Besides that, there are alot more HS tourneys going on than Tix, to my knowledge.
you mean great time and money sink...both can get quite expensive... ;D
You play HS? Awesome. ;D
Heroscape is wayyyyy more expensive I played it for a couple of years but the only person I could play with got busy
It's just way more extensive than attacktix.
Exactly that is what JSB was saying.
Heroscape is wayyyyy more expensive I played it for a couple of years but the only person I could play with got busy
It's just way more extensive than attacktix.
Exactly that is what JSB was saying.
No, he said it was more EXPENSIVE.
I said it was more EXTENSIVE.
As in, there's more to do.
Bad bad wkfc ;) :-p Its ok White Knight we all get off topic sometimes.
On topic
Marti: Pm sent.
I don't like Heroscape because you have to set up the board, choose your armies and find 3 hours to play it in
and Attacktix can be played on any flat surface
One last response, please!
I don't like Heroscape because you have to set up the board, choose your armies and find 3 hours to play it in
No, you do not. It takes at maximum one hour unless you can't grasp the rules. I've had some tournies with a bunch of friends(3 rounds) and it only took 3 hours for all three rounds. So, seriously. No, it does not take three hours for one game. Attacktix does make for some seriously easy set-up and play, but it's really basic. In heroscape, you get more of an indepth strategy game, besides the, although fun, short and mostly strategy-less gameplay provided by Attacktix.
Also, Heroscape can also be played on any flat surface. Unless your making a giant and non-strategic map, I mean.
One last response, please!
I don't like Heroscape because you have to set up the board, choose your armies and find 3 hours to play it in
No, you do not. It takes at maximum one hour unless you can't grasp the rules. I've had some tournies with a bunch of friends(3 rounds) and it only took 3 hours for all three rounds. So, seriously. No, it does not take three hours for one game. Attacktix does make for some seriously easy set-up and play, but it's really basic. In heroscape, you get more of an indepth strategy game, besides the, although fun, short and mostly strategy-less gameplay provided by Attacktix.
Also, Heroscape can also be played on any flat surface. Unless your making a giant and non-strategic map, I mean.
Honestly they both are strategic. You can add terrain to Attacktix for the fun of it. Anyone at Regionals 2-3 years ago remembers.... AIR RAID.
I got lost in the various threads these are in....
I have no money, only cards to trade. I have Failed Objective. Were there other needs? I am interested in Medic Droid and the AT-RT. We can eventually trade in person at that Christian bookstore you mentioned.
Do you have any high (easily sellable) URs for trade?
EDIT List updated!
Do you have any high (easily sellable) URs for trade?
Please see my trading thread: (
I am also interested in the Republic Gunship.
Attactix is dead.
Attactix is dead.
The obvious interest displayed in this very thread proves you wrong.
To Hobbit:
Lord of the Rings is six feet under
To Hobbit:
Lord of the Rings is six feet under
>.< OOOOOOHHHHH!!!! :)
Attactix is dead.
The obvious interest displayed in this very thread proves you wrong.
Inside joke.
To Hobbit:
Lord of the Rings is six feet under
>.< OOOOOOHHHHH!!!! :)
LOTR was more popular than attactix ever was. It may be dead but atleast it was more successful than attactix! wOOt.
Move it elsewhere boys.
BUMP, no one has bought any attacktix. I need money for a tux for this weekend, anyone wanna buy 45 bux worth?
What is your offer? $45 for how many?
Prices have been updated on the front page. 2 for commons 4 for uncommons 6 for rares and 10 for megas