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the only way to sell new cards is to make the old unplayable.
Would you EVER have put some of those older heroes that can use TGT in a deck?
Another good example is Windows of Narrow Light.
Despite being small, Treasures from the Past is going to give us some solutions to the "problems" you mentioned. They aren't just counters either, but cards that will be useful against most decks because of their versatility. There's still going to be a new card that everyone comlains about. From what I've seen in the past few years I've played Redemption, that's pretty much to be expected though.
I just played a local tournament using a deck setup that I doubt most power players would even want to try.
The biggest flaws I see in the game are a lack of set rotation; leading to massive power creep in the new sets as the only way to sell new cards is to make the old unplayable. The lack of a cost to playing a card has lead a game where the winner is determined by the luck of the draw. Often the winner is determined by who starts, as they get to both draw first and rescue first, hence win first.
If a solution for the five minute 5-0 T1 games is ever found, I may switch back to playing Type 1.
Also, you might want to define the term NPE at least once in your post, since not everybody knows what it means (I would in fact suggest that most people don't), and it's important in a discussion like this for everyone to understand exactly what is being said up front.
Dinosaurs for the win. the manipulation of Souls