Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: 77matthew on March 31, 2007, 07:46:02 PM
How big is your Redemption collection?
For me, about 2,600 cards.
And how many cards do you not have?
For me, about 430.
I have a Lot!! i know its not my joke but w/e
43 lbs.
My room is not able to contain the awesome largeness that is my redemption collection
Four of every card printed (including all collector variations x4). I also have about 2 boxes or 90 packs of each booster set and six of every booster box (sealed). Slightly crazy, but you asked ;D
***(I am working on having 6 of every card printed including all collector variations)***
wow and I thought I had a lot with nearly 15,000....
Four of every card printed (including all collector variations x4). I also have about 2 boxes or 90 packs of each booster set and six of every booster box (sealed). Slightly crazy, but you asked ;D
even warriors??? sweet
i don't buy cards alought
so i just have one of every card
Roughly 7,800.
*feels n00bish*
Yep...even warriors! I have even given my playgroup lots of warriors packs here recently when I bought some from Bany, but he won't sell anymore. I guess the infamous warehouse is shrinking.
nice :)
My room is not able to contain the awesome largeness that is my redemption collection
i belive that. ;D
I'll get to you on that after Im done making up the invotory on my cards... Man i wish I had excel... the works version doesnt have aurofilter....
Hey, you can go to and download a free set of programs that are exactly like Microsoft Office including a spreadsheet program like Excel that will open .xls documents (what the spreadsheets on all the major Redemption sites are). It is really cool stuff and is available for pretty much every OS.
43 lbs.
you must need a big scale for that lol :D
i have no idea how big my collection is i like to think its big though ;)
I get to fit my redemption in this bag:
and a 9-pocket-page binder with like 50 pages. w00t.
I have my cards in the Redemption tin and two Binders, duplicate and non duplicate.
it's not as big as any of your (that was posted) around 600
*grunt* (if possible) too many, i'm really close to having all the cards, (which beats 600) with alot of extra's
I have the compete factory set from cactus, 1 unlimited starter deck, 1 - first printing C&D, 4 - second printing C&D, mutiple E&F, G&H decks and need about 260 cards to complete the various other expansions and promos. A bunch of duplicates (800 + ? don't know for sure) Then the hunt begins for all the variants. Release the hounds
Both of my boys have 400+ cards in their collections. What a great way to spend time with your kids.
Over 15,631 cards...actually probably not anymore since I gave away about 6400, but it's still probably close to that.
Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly, WildCard Secretary of Defense
P.S. - props if you know where the number came from.
over 15,631??? that's... interesting
SirNobody is winning
i haven't counted but when i get the chance i'll count
Around 15 pounds. Which is too many considering how little I play. I'll probably end up selling half of my collection in the near future, just keeping cards I need and maybe a few that I'll keep for trade.
I have a complete set including all promos and all versions and variants. Those are in binders. I use those for reference when players ask questions about obscure cards and don't post special abilities. I also use them when designing new cards, to find ways to make little-used cards more useful.
I also have about 16 boxes (800-count each) full of cards. A couple of those are for decks. The rest hold at least 6 copies of every character and of every enhancement that has a special ability. There are only a few cards that I don't have 7 copies of (1 in binder and 6 in boxes).
In addition, I have a folder full of extra rares, promos, and ultra-rares that I sell and trade at tournaments.
I also have about 4500 commons and uncommons that I keep at work to give away to new players at the high school.
Divide all that by two, though, since I share them with my son. :)
show off :D ;) is your son on the boards?
show off :D ;) is your son on the boards?
Not yet. He's only 9.
wat kinda deck does he have??
wat kinda deck does he have??
Uhhh... you mean "decks". :P
the kid?
Yep. I've seen 4 so far in Type 2. And I think there's more.
Then there's type 1...
alright the total from each brigade and type the final total is 1,979 cards that are in my collection
Yep. I've seen 4 so far in Type 2. And I think there's more.
Then there's type 1...
4 completely built T2 decks? Sounds like a kid after my own heart... :)
Yeah, Kurt and I were just discussing which of his 4 decks he should use at the state tournament. It turns out he wants to build another.
Yeah, Kurt and I were just discussing which of his 4 decks he should use at the state tournament. It turns out he wants to build another.
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
um... y?
It turns out he wants to build another.
Noo! I just found a way to counter 3 of the 4 in two cards!
Oh well... keeps things interesting ;)
It turns out he wants to build another.
Noo! I just found a way to counter 3 of the 4 in two cards!
Oh well... keeps things interesting ;)
Well, you did a great job against him today. He barely beat you. But your dad did a SUPER job against him. Kurt needs to learn that he can't make mistakes against you guys without it costing him.
Anyway, good job today.
Bryon, would you be able to post some results on the Tournament Reports thread?
trinkets for his g/f
Tsk tsk, what a shame ;)
Hopefully those trinkets include lots of Redemption cards. After all, being an ardent trading card game player is very attractive to the ladies ;)
^I'm allowed to say that after however long I've been playing^ :)
Lol just get a girl who plays redemption and you are set ;)
*cough pol/chris bany's daughter cough*
Still growing.
Thanks for the trade Austin. ;)
Lol just get a girl who plays redemption and you are set ;)
*cough pol/chris bany's daughter cough*
I saw her just yesterday. She walked in the door and was covered in window marker.
Around 20,000 or so
Around 20,000 or so
oh my gourd.
after this week I am closing in around 50,000 but that's because I am insane... ;D :o
Do you have complete sets or just 50,000 random cards?
well it's highly likely that I have about 10-12 common complete sets but believe it or not there are cards I only have 1 of... ;D
Faithful Servant Promo?
this time I won't be buying from you to get you out of dutch.... ;D You've been warned lol
I got bored the other day, so I actually counted. I lost count close to 700, but my educated guess is approximately 730 cards. Not all that much, but I can always trade for the cards I need with cards I'm done with.
I have somewhere between 1200 and 1400 cards... all came from packs or starters. The way i count is after i completely organize them and put them in a notebook *which i need to do again after i send in 60 wrappers* i count the ammount of pages except for the last one, multiply it by 18, then count the last page and add it.
Man diablo, when I played you, you had some awful good cards. All from booster? :o
yep, i havent traded a single card. As far as Ultra-Rares go, ive pulled 10 from packs, two others are the Greek SoG and AotL.
AW Mike *my first UR*
Kings Mike
Mikes Sword
Ark of the Covenant
Angry Mob
Peirced Heart x 2
Trumpet Blast
all from boosters :-p
I want that micheal and Michaels Sword! :'( :'( ;D
Storehouse helped me lower and rebuild my collection.
yep, i havent traded a single card. As far as Ultra-Rares go, ive pulled 10 from packs...
Man, some people have all the luck. I've pulled a grand total of 4 ultras. Leviathan, Sword of the Spirit (k), and TWO Helmet of Salvations (k). Who pulls duplicates of ultra rares?! Well, that's just my luck. And none of those cards were useful to me, so I've actually traded them all except one copy of Helmet of Salvation. Maybe someday I'll pull something worthwhile.
I do...3-4 faith in our hp.
I just got back from the bookstore and found I got Primary objective in my AW pack. :o ;D
yep, i havent traded a single card. As far as Ultra-Rares go, ive pulled 10 from packs...
Man, some people have all the luck. I've pulled a grand total of 4 ultras. Leviathan, Sword of the Spirit (k), and TWO Helmet of Salvations (k). Who pulls duplicates of ultra rares?! Well, that's just my luck. And none of those cards were useful to me, so I've actually traded them all except one copy of Helmet of Salvation. Maybe someday I'll pull something worthwhile.
I pull duplicates. 5 Pentecosts.
I don't have very good luck with the Priest packs I get, I've gotten 9 HPP, 6 Pentecost, 4 Doubt, 6 The Sabbath, and only 1 or 2 of all the others.
about 5,000 cards kept in two very large used to be tool boxes.
And I thought I had a lot of cards... I have the most of any of my friends, but nothing near as many as most of you. Most of mine are mint and never been played.
I want to collect them all first, then eventually build a deck to play...or maybe I should buy some to play and still buy the others...
ummm 6 anniversary tins worth of cards + 2 foof tins? (all filled with as many cards as possible)
ummm 6 anniversary tins worth of cards + 2 foof tins? (all filled with as many cards as possible)
That equals about 1,000 cards
I don't have very good luck with the Priest packs I get, I've gotten 9 HPP, 6 Pentecost, 4 Doubt, 6 The Sabbath, and only 1 or 2 of all the others.
I don't want to sound like a noob, but that's alot of ultra-rares
I have between 45,000 and 50,000 (with some still in packs). However, I'm missing 27 cards. :-\ It's tough to keep the high-demand cards in stock when people keep buying them from me or trading for them! If anyone wants to help me out, I'm trying to sell off about half to two-thirds of my collection so that I can actually use my office. ;) ;D
Somewhere near 1000, I think. I have these Ultra Rares:
Crucify Him!
Emperor Nero
Altar of Ahaz (Woot!)
Lampstand of The Sanctuary (Double Woot!)
Satan's Folly
High Priest's Plot
King David
King Solomon
I consider Dave and Solomon Ultra Rares.
After cleaning my collectoin out of ~1000 cards or so, I sitll have a good 2000 left in it.
I have around 5000-10000 cards
I thought I had a lot with about 2,000. :'(
I thought I had a lot with about 2,000. :'(
that is a lot
I thought I had a lot with about 2,000. :'(
that is a lot
Cam's right. It 's just that some of the Redemption pizzazzos have 15,000 cards and call that a small amount. ;D
I thought I had a lot with about 2,000. :'(
that is a lot
Cam's right. It 's just that some of the Redemption pizzazzos have 15,000 cards and call that a small amount. ;D
I guess so. :-\
i have only been playing for about 4 years so i dont have that many ive only got about 5-6,000
probably 9,000 +
probably 9,000 +
And how many of those are actually yours?
his are 100+ :D
his are 100+ :D
probably 9,000 +
And how many of those are actually yours?
How many of "yours" are actually mine? ;)
lol I have about 1000 cards
I have 3 of every set. (9 of every card without a special ability) and tons of extras.
yes :laugh:
yes :laugh:
idk...... 4000-7000?
But it's how you use them that matter. ;)
I agree
I own one deck and five booster packs, it's just that I'm too lazy to actually count them.
1000+ idk
My first redemption collection totalled around 10,000 cards, but my car was broken into and all my cards were stolen. So my second collection hit around 9,000 cards, but then I sold them all last summer. Since last fall I started my third collection and I am already at 6,000 and thats after giving away 20 or so starter decks and extra cards to my play group.
15,631 (
Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly