Author Topic: Help, I need some playtesters  (Read 1969 times)

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Help, I need some playtesters
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:45:05 PM »
Hello, everybody!  I need your help.  I have several games that I am working on and and desperately need some perspective outside of my local group.  I need some groups of playtestors to try my games and fill out review forms.  I am looking for people who have a current playgroup of at least 6 people.  I would like to get a couple of playtest groups in different areas of the country to give me various perspectives.

Please only serious playtestors.  If you are interested, please post on this thread.  Please leave a short, basic bio of your gaming history and your playgroup size and location so I can find differing viewpoints from different areas.  Thank you in advance for all your help!  :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 12:03:40 AM by Prof Underwood »
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