Author Topic: Has Anyone Played Twilight Struggle?  (Read 4522 times)

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Has Anyone Played Twilight Struggle?
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:40:26 PM »
If so do you have any comments on it?

OK, so I'm just geeking out over a mention Stephen made in the Risk Strategy thread, but this game looks seriously awesome.

The Schaef

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Re: Has Anyone Played Twilight Struggle?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 10:50:11 PM »
I have not played it personally, but if somehow we manage to get from this year to next without you having played it, I will see to it personally that you and I sit down and have a game of this.

It is not just you who thinks this game is awesome, it is currently a top 5 fixture on BGG.  I am not a fan of wargames, personally, but I can stomach this one I think, because it is largely card-driven and because the play time is reasonable (if 3 hours can be considered reasonable, and trust me, for wargames, it is).

Personally, I like the concept that taking aggressive actions can push the DEFCON level higher, which not only limits your actions on future turns, but if you trigger nukyular war you automatically lose.  It forces you to try and find ways to manipulate the game in your favor without Ramboing your way through.

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Re: Has Anyone Played Twilight Struggle?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 12:33:45 PM »
looks awesome I might get it
An unanswered question is infinitely better than an unquestioned answer.

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Re: Has Anyone Played Twilight Struggle?
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2008, 04:02:56 PM »
I have not played it personally, but if somehow we manage to get from this year to next without you having played it, I will see to it personally that you and I sit down and have a game of this.

It is not just you who thinks this game is awesome, it is currently a top 5 fixture on BGG.  I am not a fan of wargames, personally, but I can stomach this one I think, because it is largely card-driven and because the play time is reasonable (if 3 hours can be considered reasonable, and trust me, for wargames, it is).

Personally, I like the concept that taking aggressive actions can push the DEFCON level higher, which not only limits your actions on future turns, but if you trigger nukyular war you automatically lose.  It forces you to try and find ways to manipulate the game in your favor without Ramboing your way through.
Well since this was necroposted, sounds like my kinda game :D
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