Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
One of my favorite cards is the silly Jack of All Trades, which lets you gain a silver, spy the top card of your deck, draw up to 5, and trash a non-treasure.
Oh, and Trader is absurd and awesome! (Trash a card, gain a number of silvers equal to its cost. As a reaction, whenever you would gain a card, you can gain a Silver instead.)
I'm not sure why Tunnel is OP - if anything, it's a great counter to cards like Militia, Ghost Ship, Pirate Ship, Tribute, etc, which are all powerful attack cards.
Our test games saw a lot more action with Mandarin than most other cards, especially when combined with Royal Seal.
(By the way, Tribute is not technically an attack.)