Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: rpgdirector on August 18, 2010, 05:04:46 PM
Check out this new game from Warcoach Games. It's part of the "10 minute war game" series. There are 6 different decks to choose from. You can find Bible Wars here: (
It's a really fun game. It's a good game to play in between tournament rounds at Redemption tournies! ;)
10 minute war game? How does it work?
looks VERY good. i will definately be buying!
Both players choose a deck. You lay out 5 cards across, face up. Followed by five card across face down. Your opponent does the same. Both players flip up their face down cards and you fight in each column. Whoever loses the fight, discards their front row card. You do subsequent rounds of combat putting in reinforcements as you have them. Eventually, someone will have an empty row. The round that either player has an empty row, the game is over. The player with the most units left is the winner.
It's quick, simple and fun to play. You should totally check it out! :)
Sounds good. I'll check it out
I would if I had money. kinda sad that I don't even have $10 (although, if I did I'd probably save it for Disciples...) maybe I'll get one of the other 10 minute games when they come out...
Warcoach Games just released the next game in their "10 minute war game" series. It's called CIVIL WAR COMMANDER. You can find it at their web page.
Bible Wars is now repackaged in new 2 army sets. The sets are available on and thru Sporadic Games.
Warcoach Games designers have also begin work on the new "Battle for the Promised Land" in developement by Sporadic Games.
Bible Wars is now available at
To make the game easier to get into, Bible Wars is now available in 2 Culture sets. Choose from Israelite/Philistine, Egyptian/Canaanite or Assyrian/Babylonian each set for only $20.
There is now a Bible Wars instructional video on You Tube. It lasts about three minutes, but shows you how simple the game play is and how each game is different.
awesome! link?
Sorry. Here's the url:
The quality on these is just amazing! I'd like to get the number of the sound engineer who set the pink noise reduction levels on that instructional video. Truly masterful.
I think I'd want to get good with the ancient Israeli army, does anyone want to go halvsies and get the Philistine deck?
Bible Wars, second edition, is now avaiable and they have a website of and you can find them at
But seriously, the game mechanics look solid enough. The few fatal flaws keep me from getting excited about it, though. I'm not a graphics guy, and how something looks doesn't factor into how I rate it, but only up to a point. I think Super Mario Sunshine is just as fun as Jak3 even though the latter has way "better" graphics. However, if SMS looked like Escape from Monkey Island, there'd be a problem. This game looks like Pong. How the card looks is of little consequence, but they could stand to have at least a bit of spiffiness.
The other major flaw is the "younger player goes first" mechanic. The way it should work is that a coin toss/dice roll/whatever decides who places first. He places one, then his opponent places two, the he two, then opponent two, then he one, then opponent one. Either that or all 10 face-down right off the bat, then flip front row.
There is also no mention in the instructional video of how/when you draw. Or are the initial cards the only things you have to work with?
If the cards looked a bit better and the game mechanics were more polished, it'd be a solid light game.
Nice. Good to know. Thanks!
Thank you for your input. The game has great play but, I agree, the graphics are simple. They were that was on purpose. Graphics are one of the most costly parts of publishing and it was not given high emphasis to keep the initial cost down. The Deluxe edition, scheduled for fall 2012, will have enhanced color graphics added and possibly, new units to add to the decks. We appreciate your comments. Have a blessed day!
In Bible Wars, placing cards first is a disadvantage. The second player gets to 'respond' when he sees what is already in play. So, every time you lose a battle, you know exactly what you are facing and have the advantage of playing down a new card that you know will win that battle the following round. The strategy is card placement. Do I play out all my strong cards initially, or do I use them as reserve troops? Since many cards get advantages when fighting against certain other cards, do I hold them back to play down as response reinforcements? Do I focus on only some columns or do I attempt to balance out each column evenly? I've got to keep some balance because the game ends whenever one column is completely empty.
Since you only get to use a certain number of your cards in each game, there is a lot of replay value. Eventually, you will be able to memorize what cards are in each deck, and when you've seen some of your opponent's cards, you can estimate what the chances are he/she has drawn more of those type. i.e. So far, my Babylonian opponent has played out 3 chariots. I know there are 4 chariots in his deck, his hand has only 7 cards left and there are 15 he didn't draw. What is the chance he drew all 4 chariots and has yet to play 1?
There is also no mention in the instructional video of how/when you draw. Or are the initial cards the only things you have to work with?
You only get the cards you draw initially. :)
In Bible Wars, placing cards first is a disadvantage.
To the point where you lose the game if you're 18 and your opponent is 17, the way it's set up now. It would be like in Redemption if the younger player gets to D3 every turn and the older player gets to D1.
A more accurate Redemption comparison would be it being your opponent's turn. They play a card first and now you have a chance to play a card in response.
No, the way I put it is more accurate.
If anybody wants to try a demo of Bible Wars, Warcoach Games has a table set up in the Flint Hills Mall, (in Emporia, KS) Every weekend during the Christma season. Sporadic Games is also there selling games and doing demos of Bible Blitz!, Apostles and Spiritual Gifts.
Here's a couple different links to a review of Bible Wars by Marco Wargammer. :)