Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: JSB23 on June 11, 2010, 03:30:29 PM
Any one have a copy?
(obligatory BGG link) (
This game goes a lot faster if you read the rules correctly...
Yeah, just a word to the wise
You can not buy, assemble, read instructions and then teach three people how to play this game in the time it takes to play a round of Dominion.
Bad things happen and this was with four board game geeks
I do not personally own a copy. I have played it several times.
I like cooperative games a lot. I love cooperative games with a traitor aspect. I am VERY fond of all these qualities wrapped up in a space theme.
This is one of my favorite board games along with Twilight Imperium and Starcraft.
Bears, beets, battlestar Galactica.
spelling correction -admin
Battlestar Galactica, beats, Polarius
Battlestar Galactica, beats, Polarius
It's a cultural reference, not an insult.
Battlestar Galactica, beats, Polarius
It's a cultural reference, not an insult.
Thats something a Toaster would say!
Being directed here by Schaef....
I'm a little puzzled by that sentiment, since our club just had a huge BSG weekend event during Buckeye Game Fest, and 12 of the 13 games played were split 6/6 between humans and toasters. The final game of the weekend was decided by a Doral (we were playing with a number of custom characters to accommodate the large turnout - I got to play Romo Lampkin all weekend!) who had the 2-or-fewer-Galactica-damage agenda, but was getting no help from either the humans or the Cylons in achieving this, so in a fit of spite, he used his once per game to kill Galactica on damage and win the game for the (other) Cylons.
Long story short, our games are pretty evenly split, with humans having an advantage in the Kobol objective, and Cylons dominating the New Caprica objective.
Yeah, I've only played with the New Caprica, and humans rarely stood a chance.
I would submit that New Caprica is probably the worst way to learn the game. I might almost consider Ionian Nebula worse due to the possibility of being eliminated from the final round of the game entirely, but IN isn't bad if you manage your trauma and work together well.
We have a number of long-time BSG players in our club, and this is the way we usually play it with all expansions included:
- All characters are available, including Cylon Leaders if we have at least 5 at the table, in case someone is feeling froggy
- All loyalty cards, though with noobs I would just use the regular Not a Cylon cards first, or if I was lazy, just tell them to ignore the text on the Not cards
- All the skill cards, crisis cards, etc from the expansions mixed in.
- Cylon Fleet board for the toasters, Pegasus board as a shield for Galactica, basically
- CAG title and Mark VII vipers to balance out the power of the fleet board
So in short, all the bells and whistles from the expansions, but here's the thing... we almost always play with the Kobol objective.
New Caprica adds an hour to the play time and just makes it a field day for the Cylons
Ionian Nebula adds needless complexity and few of us are keen on the prospect of not getting to play the last round
So we just play straight Kobol with all the chrome: jump to 8, jump again, the end.
The only real reason we were playing the other objectives last weekend, and all the custom characters and what-not, was because the event was sort of a trek through all three objectives in order, like a role-play weekend. We had the option to keep our characters through the event so long as they weren't executed. But generally it's just Kobol and I strongly recommend you punch your friend if he continues to dump New Caprica on you in your games.
Being directed here by Schaef....
I'm a little puzzled by that sentiment, since our club just had a huge BSG weekend event during Buckeye Game Fest, and 12 of the 13 games played were split 6/6 between humans and toasters. The final game of the weekend was decided by a Doral (we were playing with a number of custom characters to accommodate the large turnout - I got to play Romo Lampkin all weekend!) who had the 2-or-fewer-Galactica-damage agenda, but was getting no help from either the humans or the Cylons in achieving this, so in a fit of spite, he used his once per game to kill Galactica on damage and win the game for the (other) Cylons.
Long story short, our games are pretty evenly split, with humans having an advantage in the Kobol objective, and Cylons dominating the New Caprica objective.
Yeah, I've only played with the New Caprica, and humans rarely stood a chance.
You're just mad that my fellow Cylon and I had beat you guys, and I had you guys fooled for most of the game ::)
You didn't have me fooled, I was the one who had you executed. (and handily made myself president at the same time)
yeah the gamewas 75% over, therewre 5 players one Cylon was already revealed and I had just executed another player so knowing that you weren't a cylon you had a 50/50 chance of finding the other cylon. not impressed. plus i just executed the president/admiral i wasn't exactly hiding anymore ::)
That's not the way I remember it.
Nerd fight, nerd fight!
That was the order of events.