Cactus Game Design Message Boards

Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: Iamalittleking on April 07, 2013, 01:00:49 PM

Title: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 07, 2013, 01:00:49 PM
Is any one else and Axis and Allies nerd. Or is it just me.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Redoubter on April 07, 2013, 03:56:57 PM
Is any one else and Axis and Allies nerd. Or is it just me.

I would be, but no one will ever play it with me.  I love Diplomacy, Axis and Allies, and pretty much any long strategy game but the only one I can get anyone to play is Risk.  And I normally can't even get a game in of that.

My goal is to get 6 other people strategy-minded and Diplomacy it up for a whole day.  I don't think that will ever happen though.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: CJSports on April 07, 2013, 04:15:39 PM
Is any one else and Axis and Allies nerd. Or is it just me.

I've played...usually what ends up happening is the winner is determined in the first 2 hours and it takes them the next 4 to finish the game. Usually we end it at the 2 hour mark.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: wmd1999 on April 07, 2013, 05:14:36 PM
I like this game but never have enough time to play it.  :(
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 07, 2013, 08:07:45 PM
For me no wants to play with me. In my group i am the only nerd so i am the only one who has really though out a strategy.  So i play most of my games for the period of 2-3 days by my self.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Old_Iron_Spine on April 07, 2013, 11:43:49 PM
It looks like a game I'd like. What is a good cheap set I could start with?
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 07, 2013, 11:50:18 PM
It looks like a game I'd like. What is a good cheap set I could start with?
The cheapest one is the 1941 edition. But the cheapest good one is spring 1942 
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Old_Iron_Spine on April 07, 2013, 11:57:58 PM
Sweet! Thanks, I'll have to get it. I'm a HUGE fan of WWII. The vehicles, guns, fights, all of it (especially the winter war between russia and finland).
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Noah on April 08, 2013, 12:35:53 PM
I really like this game but the only person I can get to play is my brother. We only have the 1942 spring version. Usually he plays as the axis, but when I play the axis strange things happen . . . One game ended in two turns. First turn Germany took Leningrad, second turn Japan got Calcutta and Germany got the UK. Another game took twenty turns. By the second turn Japan had occupied the west cost. Although they lost it the next, turn it pretty much got America out of the rest of the game. Later, all of Europe was under UK's control . . . all but Germany and Italy that is Which had a combined total of about 70+ Infantry. Towards the end, every turn Japan had nine tanks attacking Moscow. It was only a matter of time before Russia fell. By the end of the game the Axis controlled everything from Brazil to Alaska, (The long way around the world) except Norway.

You can probably tell I don't have anybody else to talk with about games like this. :P
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 08, 2013, 01:01:33 PM
wow That as almost as bad as my 20 turn game.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Old_Iron_Spine on April 08, 2013, 10:08:14 PM
I really like this game but the only person I can get to play is my brother. We only have the 1942 spring version. Usually he plays as the axis, but when I play the axis strange things happen . . . One game ended in two turns. First turn Germany took Leningrad, second turn Japan got Calcutta and Germany got the UK. Another game took twenty turns. By the second turn Japan had occupied the west cost. Although they lost it the next, turn it pretty much got America out of the rest of the game. Later, all of Europe was under UK's control . . . all but Germany and Italy that is Which had a combined total of about 70+ Infantry. Towards the end, every turn Japan had nine tanks attacking Moscow. It was only a matter of time before Russia fell. By the end of the game the Axis controlled everything from Brazil to Alaska, (The long way around the world) except Norway.

You can probably tell I don't have anybody else to talk with about games like this. :P

Lol, this reminded me. I got this book called "Frozen hell" about the winter war. And Gustav Mannerheim (Who was described as having a stare that could penetrate armor) was at the diner table with the nazis. And this nazi German guy asked, "Would the ___" (I forgot Gustav mannerheims nickname. It was like the general or something) "mind if I smoked a cigarette?"  and Gustav looked at him and said, "I don't know. Nobody has ever tried it." :D I always thought that was funny.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Prof Underwood on April 09, 2013, 12:47:43 AM
My goal is to get 6 other people strategy-minded and Diplomacy it up for a whole day.  I don't think that will ever happen though.
Slugfencer is also a fan of Diplomacy, as am I.  I don't know that I could commit to an entire day, but I have played an email version of Diplomacy before where players took 1 turn a week, and had the rest of the week to do email discussion, etc.  I think I've had a few other people also mention that they were interested in a game (maybe The Spy, for those of you who remember him), so if you were interested in that format we might be able to get something together.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Old_Iron_Spine on April 09, 2013, 05:22:44 PM
I got Axis & Allies Spring 1942 today!! I got it at Toys R Us for like $10 cheaper than amazon (it actually came out to be $37 with tax) and I didn't have to wait for shipping!! :D so far it looks fun
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Redoubter on April 09, 2013, 07:59:19 PM
My goal is to get 6 other people strategy-minded and Diplomacy it up for a whole day.  I don't think that will ever happen though.
Slugfencer is also a fan of Diplomacy, as am I.  I don't know that I could commit to an entire day, but I have played an email version of Diplomacy before where players took 1 turn a week, and had the rest of the week to do email discussion, etc.  I think I've had a few other people also mention that they were interested in a game (maybe The Spy, for those of you who remember him), so if you were interested in that format we might be able to get something together.

I am very much interested in an e-mail Diplomacy game, that actually gives another dimension to the game.  Not sure why I never thought of that, it would be great :)  When I get a chance, I'll start a thread to see if anyone else is interested (instead of continuing to hijack this one ;)).
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: soul seeker on April 09, 2013, 08:17:54 PM
After spotting this thread, I had to look to see what I had.  I also own the Spring 1942 board game version.  I don't have a chance to get it out much, but it is a fun game.

Also, I have the PC game of it.  It is fantastic to play if you are by yourself or you want to avoid the board set up with friends.  The computer has various difficulty levels.  Plus, if you want to clown around, then you can change the value of everything.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 09, 2013, 08:19:06 PM
My goal is to get 6 other people strategy-minded and Diplomacy it up for a whole day.  I don't think that will ever happen though.
Slugfencer is also a fan of Diplomacy, as am I.  I don't know that I could commit to an entire day, but I have played an email version of Diplomacy before where players took 1 turn a week, and had the rest of the week to do email discussion, etc.  I think I've had a few other people also mention that they were interested in a game (maybe The Spy, for those of you who remember him), so if you were interested in that format we might be able to get something together.

I am very much interested in an e-mail Diplomacy game, that actually gives another dimension to the game.  Not sure why I never thought of that, it would be great :)  When I get a chance, I'll start a thread to see if anyone else is interested (instead of continuing to hijack this one ;)).

Never played diplomacy before but if you ever need another player i would be in 
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Isildur on April 09, 2013, 08:38:32 PM
After spotting this thread, I had to look to see what I had.  I also own the Spring 1942 board game version.  I don't have a chance to get it out much, but it is a fun game.

Also, I have the PC game of it.  It is fantastic to play if you are by yourself or you want to avoid the board set up with friends.  The computer has various difficulty levels.  Plus, if you want to clown around, then you can change the value of everything.
Would you mind posting specifically which PC version of the game you have?
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Bobbert on April 09, 2013, 09:19:20 PM
Just found this thread. A great way to play AAA, Diplomacy, and other great games is ( Asahel24601, wmd1999 and I often play there.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: soul seeker on April 10, 2013, 12:27:03 AM
After spotting this thread, I had to look to see what I had.  I also own the Spring 1942 board game version.  I don't have a chance to get it out much, but it is a fun game.

Also, I have the PC game of it.  It is fantastic to play if you are by yourself or you want to avoid the board set up with friends.  The computer has various difficulty levels.  Plus, if you want to clown around, then you can change the value of everything.
Would you mind posting specifically which PC version of the game you have?
Front cover:
Picture same as Spring 1942 board game (opening layout is the same too)
Axis & Allies: The Ultimate WWll Strategy Game
Maker:  Hasbro Interactive
Win 95/98
Rated:  E

I hope this helps! As you can see by Win 95/98...I've had it a while.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Prof Underwood on April 10, 2013, 07:45:01 AM
Just found this thread. A great way to play AAA, Diplomacy, and other great games is ( Asahel24601, wmd1999 and I often play there.
That site is awesome.  Thanks for telling me about it :)
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: YourMathTeacher on April 10, 2013, 09:13:30 AM
Slugfencer is also a fan of Diplomacy, as am I.  I don't know that I could commit to an entire day, but I have played an email version of Diplomacy before where players took 1 turn a week, and had the rest of the week to do email discussion, etc.  I think I've had a few other people also mention that they were interested in a game (maybe The Spy, for those of you who remember him), so if you were interested in that format we might be able to get something together.

Somehow playing a game called Diplomacy with players whose names include reDoubter, The Spy and Slugfencer, seems doomed from the get-go.....  ;)
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Iamalittleking on April 10, 2013, 01:05:29 PM
Hey if any one want's to to do an axis and allies 1942 game over email with me let me know.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Redoubter on April 10, 2013, 02:44:43 PM
Just found this thread. A great way to play AAA, Diplomacy, and other great games is ( Asahel24601, wmd1999 and I often play there.
That site is awesome.  Thanks for telling me about it :)

Indeed, I was playing around with it and it is amazing.  I'm very impressed by their design and will definitely use it going forward.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Bobbert on April 10, 2013, 04:53:19 PM
Just found this thread. A great way to play AAA, Diplomacy, and other great games is ( Asahel24601, wmd1999 and I often play there.
That site is awesome.  Thanks for telling me about it :)

Indeed, I was playing around with it and it is amazing.  I'm very impressed by their design and will definitely use it going forward.

You are both welcome  :) I can always take another game!
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: rpgdirector on August 16, 2013, 07:55:01 PM
Does anybody play online over at
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Prof Underwood on August 16, 2013, 08:30:40 PM
I'm not a big fan of A&A, but I just checked out the site hoping that they had some other great games to choose from.  I noticed Acquire and RoboRally, which are both a lot of fun.  But how can you have a section of Euro games without Settlers of Catan or Ticket to Ride?  How can you have a section of War games without Lord of the Rings RISK, of RISK 2210, or Samaurai Swords, or Fortress America?  And how can you have a section of Strategy games without Blokus, or Stratego, or Heroscape?

If this websites expands to include games like that (which it probably can't due to licensing issues), then it could become my new favorite website.  But until then, I won't be there very often.
Title: Re: Axis & Allies.
Post by: Jmbeers on August 16, 2013, 10:51:51 PM
I have Spring as well. I have played it a few times with some friends in town but very rarely. I played the Atlantic/Western Europe board once a long time back.
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