Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Board & Card Games => Topic started by: JSB23 on November 02, 2008, 06:06:19 PM
anybody play? I will trade for any unwanted figures
My friend and I are making some attacktix strategy videos for Youtube and I want some more figures to try advanced strategies
HAHAHAHAHAHa *yells for Josh and his suitcase*
HAHAHAHAHAHa *yells for Josh and his suitcase*
lololololol this made my day.
:o RR has a suitcase!?
Do you have Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS? if not i'll work something out. I have about 15 star wars guys, I'll PM you tomorrow. ;D
My son and I play. I don't think he is willing to part with any figures, but I'll ask and get back to you later. We have mostly Star Wars and few Marvel heroes.
thanks I mainly want Starwars, and I also have figures for trade
:o RR has a suitcase!?
A giant suitcase full, Honestly I need a better place to store them....One of my yodas got broken :( I'll have to figure out how to repair him.
would you trade or sell them? I have a mint silver based Darth Maul
I may, I will have to see what I have.
I want one character a WORKING darth maul >:( but noooo RR just had to hvae a broken one
I hvae some I'll go look
I found my working one :-p Also Jsb are you only buying mint? or do you care if they are a lil beat up (Back sticker missing etc.)
i saw some youtube clips of this game...looks pretty cool.
I may be interested in the ones that JSB is not. Condition does not matter, as long as the flicky things flick, and the ranged dudes have their missiles.
I may be interested in the ones that JSB is not. Condition does not matter, as long as the flicky things flick, and the ranged dudes have their missiles.
Okey dokey. I am saving for a wii for christmas so I should be posting a healthy selection of them soon.
i saw some youtube clips of this game...looks pretty cool.
My friend and I are making some tutorial and strategy videos for Youtube, and to RR I will only buy mint figures or figures I need, I will trade for figs in any condition as long as they work
here is my friend's Youtube channel he hasn't posted the video yet :( (
Kk i'll post my mint in bag ones, and my extra ones ina bit on this post.
do you have a Possessing Emperor? that is one I would pay for
Yes I do. It isn't in bag but it is mint besides that to my knowledge.
nice, what do you want for it?
Do you have a list of what you want? And ill let ya know.
I know it's kind of a lot to ask but could you just post a list of what you have and want?
I may be interested in the ones that JSB is not. Condition does not matter, as long as the flicky things flick, and the ranged dudes have their missiles.
Okey dokey. I am saving for a wii for christmas so I should be posting a healthy selection of them soon.
oh noes......Finally dude.
I'm willing to trade for Spider-man.
Not that I play. It's just really cool to have.
due to me not knowing how movie maker works we now have to re-film most of the movie :P. Should be up by Saturday though
what are some of the best pieces, and why?
S4 Darth Vader: because he has a move of 14 (highest in the game) powerful attack and he stands back up 60% of the time if you have another figure in play
Medic Droid: allows you to bring back a defeated figure every 5 turns
S2 Obi-wan: powerful attack, stands back up if you have a trooper (the cheapest figs in the game) in play
S1 Darth Vader: Very powerful attack, giant base
S4 starter Han Solo: Cheap, good stand up power, powerful missile
Depends on the team.
a 10 jedi knight team is a beast due to 10 figures that all can kill multiple figures per turn.
If anyone remembers me as Gideon, I was the dude that started that HUGE Attacktix topic. Thanks for bringing this up! My most valuable fig is worth $50!!! :o It is the silver tournament promo Boba Fett. (Again, I say :o)
If anyone remembers me as Gideon, I was the dude that started that HUGE Attacktix topic. Thanks for bringing this up! My most valuable fig is worth $50!!! :o It is the silver tournament promo Boba Fett. (Again, I say :o)
I remeber you as that kid from trade some attacktix for better cards (not to be mean but your deck was a G deck with some commons thrown in)
G deck is pure wyn. My deck from regionals had quite a few g cards in it.
no I mean G deck stock with 6 commons to make it 56>.> if I remember correctly
Working on sell list. Will continue working throughout the day.
Chrome = Silver based (X)Y) X is the series number. Y is the figure number. ( < What each Special power I am listing is. The (*name*) after the ability tells what they work with.
Points For squad building... next to names in (#)
Any text between the figure's attack and Special power (upon death) is an additional special ability the figure has while in play.\
Any questions about the figures please ask me.
Mint in bag figures:
(Chrome) (3(30) R2-Q5(10) - No attack. Press a button on his head to spin the red/green dial on his front. If Green double the movement (tix) of one trooper for one turn. Rally(Trooper) - Rare
(Chrome) (3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommon
(Chrome) (4)6) At-St Driver(10) - Small blaster. Attackback (Leader) -Common
(Chrome) (2)4) Scout trooper(10) - Small blaster. Shootback(Trooper) -Common
(Chrome) (3)06) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Charge X3(Imperial) -Uncommon
(3)26) Biggs DarkLighter(30) - Medium blaster. Attackback X2 (Rebel) - Rare
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).
(3)17) Heavy Stormtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Sacrifice(Stormtrooper). - Uncommon
(4)08) Imperial Officer(20) - Small blaster. Battle Cry - Rare
(4)2) Endor Scout(10) - Small blaster. Shootback(Trooper) - Common
(4)1) Biker Scout(10) - Small blaster. Attackback(Imperial) - Common
(4)4) Stormtrooper(10) - Small blaster. Charge x2 (Imperial) - Common
Mint (completely mint) out of bag.
(Chrome) (2)20) Medic Droid(20) No attack. Set pointer at one. At the start of each turn move the pointer forward one number. When pointer reaches one again, Return any defeated figure to play. - Rare
Non mint but work perfectly (if you would like ask what is non mint about them). Note: Any Boba Fett figures do not have his custom bullet. I will add a normal medium missile for them, it is the exact same size and power missile it just lacks shininess.
X # After the information means I have multiple of this figure available.
(1)13) Super Optimus Prime(40) - Super missile (Custom huge missile). Transform(Super Optimus Prime vehicle mode) - Rare
(1)1) Mini-Con(1) - Small missile. Attackback(autobot)
Star wars:
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X3
(1)33) Wookiee Commando(30) (Republic) - Medium Missile. Attackback(leader) - Uncommon X3
(1)3) Wookiee scout(20) - Small missile. Attackback(Warrior) - Common x3
(1)20) Shaak Ti(40) - Force push missile. Recruit(Plo Koon). - Rare X3
(1)7) Plo Koon(40) - Force push missile. Vengence(Droid) - Uncommon X3 (One missing front sticker).
(2)10) Neimoidian Captain(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Sepratist) - Uncommon X3 (one missing back sticker)
(1)31) Obiwan Kenobi(30) - Lightsaber slash. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Uncommon X3
(3)2) Tie Pilot(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Specialist) - Common X3
(4)4) StormTrooper(10) - Small missile. Charge X2(Imperial) - Common X4
(1)2) Super Battle Droid(20) - Small Missile. Attackback(Droud) Common X4
(3)11) Greedo(20) - Medium missile. Capture(Rebel) - Uncommon X5
(1)14) Neimoidian Guard(20) - Small missile. Shootback(Nute Gunray) - Uncommon X 6
(Continued In next post)
AT-RT(70) - Four small missile attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Mega
BOGA(60) - Tail slash attack. Recruit(Obiwan Kenobi) - Mega
Will Work on getting the "Non-Mint" (They all work completely.) figures up on here. Don't hestitate to inquire on your wants to know exactly what is "wrong" with it. (Some just have a white line at the top of the label while others are missing them all together. I ironically had this happen to me alot right out of the bag.)
As for pricing Idk how to price them atm because I doubt anyone would pay the "Normal" price for many of these figures (Yoda goes for 70 dollars. Non mint) but I want to earn 250 for a wii and a game for it for my families christmas (Or else there won't be any real gifts sides dollar store stuff. Car troubles ftl).
I was thinking
10.00 For any Mega figure
10.00 Any Gold figure
10.00 for any series 1-2 rare(1/2)#)
6.00 for any series 1-2 uncommon
3.00 for any series 1-2 common
7.00 for any series 3-4 rare (3/4)#)
4.00 for any series 3-4 uncommon
2.00 for any series 3-4 common
+ 1.00 for chrome.
+ 1.00 for mint/In bag.
If you wish to discuss the prices I am not unreasonable.
Star wars:
(4)14) Admiral Ackbar(30) - Medium missile. Recruit(Rebel) - Rare
(3)32) Darth Vader(30) - Lightsaber slash. Sacrafice(Trooper) - Uncommon
(4)1) Biker Scout(10) - Small missile. Attackback(imperial) - Common
(2)2) Scout Trooper(10) - Small missile. Shootback(Trooper) - Common
(3)17) Heavy Stormtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Sacrifice(Stormtrooper). - Uncommon
(3)16) Hammerhead(30) - Custom Force push type net. Battle cry - Rare
(3)27) Wedge(20) - Medium missile. Rally X2 (X-Wing Pilot) - Rare
(1)16) Padme(30) - Small missile. Recruit(Leader) - Uncommon
(GOLD)3) Luke Skywalker(30) - Lightsaber slash. (Recruit Princess Leia) - Gold
(GOLD)2) Nute Gunray(20) - Small missile. RallyX2(Droid) - Gold
(2)18) Obiwan Kenobi(20) - Kicking. Force push (Trooper) - Rare
(3)20 Obiwan Kenobi(30) - Lightsaber slash. Force push(any) - Rare
(Chrome) (1)4) Bail Organa(30) - Small missile. Attackback(Leader) - Rare
(3)34) Imperial Officer(20) - Small missile. Charge X2 (Trooper) - Rare
(2)14) Princess Leia(30) - Small missile. Recruit(Rebel) - Uncommon
(3)33) Captain Antilles(20) - Medium missile. Rally(Trooper) - Uncommon
(1)15) Commander Bly(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Trooper) - Uncommon
(2)16) Mace Windu(40) - Force Push missile. Sacrifice(Warrior) - Uncommon
(2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon
(2)30) Boba Fett(30) - Medium missile. Capture(any) if specialist is in play. - Rare.
(1)9) Wookie Commando(30) (Wookie) - Medium missile. Rally(Wookie) - Uncommon
(2)5) Arc Pilot(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Captain). - Common
(4)9) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Attackback X2(Specialist) - Uncommon
(Chrome) (1)1) Battle Droid(10) - Small missile. Recruit X2 (Battle droid) - Common
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommon
(4)12) Han Solo(30) - Medium missile. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Rare
(3)7) Bossk(30) - Medium missile. Shootback X3 (Bounty Hunters) - Uncommon
(4)06) AT-ST Driver(10) - Small missile. Attackback(leader) - Common
(2)33) Mace Windu(30) - Lightsaber slash. Rally (Jedi) - Uncommon
(1)19) Mace Windu(30) - Lightsaber Slash. Recover(Jedi) -Rare
(2)7) Royal Guard(20) - Pole slash. Rescue(sith) - Uncommon
(2)12) Battle Droid Commander(20) - Small missile. Rally X2(Droid) - Uncommon
(2)15) Jango Fett(30) - Medium missile. Recruit(Boba Fett) - Rare
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X2
(4)20) Han Solo(20) - Medium missile. Recover(Warrior) - Rare X2
(4)5) Royal Guard(20) - Pole slash. Stun(Rebel) X2
(3)6) X wing Pilot(10) - Small Missile. Shootback(Trooper) - Common X2 (one missing front label)
(3)1) StormTrooper(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Imperial) - Common X2
(3)18) Boba Fett(30) - Medium missile. Vengence(Rebel) - Rare X2
(2)2) Utapau Warrior(10) - Small missile. Attackback(Warrior) - Common X2 (one if backwards on the base.... O_o came that way.)
(1)27) Obiwan Kenobi(40) - Force push missile. Sacrifice(Jedi) - Rare X2
(2)08) Clone Commander(30) - Medium missile. Rally X2(Trooper) - Uncommon X2
(3)06) Sandtrooper(30) - Medium blaster. Charge X3(Imperial) -Uncommon X2
(2)35) Clone commander(30) - Medium missile. Attackback(Trooper) - Uncommon X2
(1)23) Agen Kolar(20) - Lightsaber slash. Rally(jedi) - Rare X2
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(2)6) Grevous BodyGuard(10) - Staff strike. Attackback(Droid) - Common X2
(1)32) Anakin Skywalker(30) - Lightsaber strike. Sacrifice(Trooper) - Uncommon x2
(1)25) Nute Gunray(30) - Small missile. Shootback X2 (Nemoidian Guard) - Rare X2
(1)26) Anakin Skywalker(40) - Force push missile. Recruit(Captain or if it is black trooper for op). - Rare X2
(2)23) Chewbacca(30) - Medium missile. Recover(Han Solo) - Rare X2
(1)10) V wing Pilot(20) - Small missile. AttackBack(Trooper) - Uncommon X2 (One Chrome)
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X2
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Sepratist) - Small missile. Shootback(Sepratist) - Common X2 (One Chrome)
Luke as stormtrooper and Leia
What are the values? I am interested in the Medic Droid.
I haven't decided on what to price them yet. I'll work on that after I get the rest of the other non mint tix up.
Typing all these up is harder than I thought :-p
I haven't decided on what to price them yet. I'll work on that after I get the rest of the other non mint tix up.
Typing all these up is harder than I thought :-p
Do you need any redemption cards? I'd be willing to trade a whole lot for some tix.
I haven't decided on what to price them yet. I'll work on that after I get the rest of the other non mint tix up.
Typing all these up is harder than I thought :-p
Do you need any redemption cards? I'd be willing to trade a whole lot for some tix.
I do lemme get the link, I'll edit it in. These are also for sale. As said before trying to get a wii for the family for christmas. (
have TSA Warriors, Banks of the Nile and possibly HT
My lists are up! I may add to the lists as we go along.
Wonders if any version of this game is still being made
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X2
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Sepratist) - Small missile. Shootback(Sepratist) - Common X1
(1)23) Agen Kolar(20) - Lightsaber slash. Rally(jedi) - Rare X1
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1
AT-RT(70) - Four small missile attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Megax1
I have
Silver Based Darth Maul
Banks of the Nile
Hidden treasures
TSA warriors
$25 cash
complete set of Nats promos
Lots of Marvel 'Tix
Wonders if any version of this game is still being made
Series 5 of Star wars, Series 2 of transformers, And series 2 of marvel were the last released to my knowledge.
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1 6
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1 3
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Sepratist) - Small missile. Shootback(Sepratist) - Common X1 3
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X1 10
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1 6
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1 4
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1 7
AT-RT(70) - Four small missile attack. Recruit(Trooper) - Megax1 10
25 Cash + Banks of the Nile
Hidden treasures
TSA warriors
Would that be good?
how about
(2)3) Clone Trooper(10) (Empire) - Small missile. Rally(Trooper) - Common X1
2)39) General Grievous(30) - Custom missile. Rescue(Jedi) - Uncommon x1
(4)15) IG-88(30) - Medium missile. Capture(Specialist) - Rare X1
(1)04) Clone Trooper(10) (Republic) - Small missile. Shootback(Republic) - Common X1
(1)24) Emperor(20) - Possesion Grab (If touching another figure you can latch onto the figure to control it as if your own.) No ability. - Rare X2
(1)12) Clone lieutenant(20) - Small missile. Sacrifice(Clone Trooper) - Uncommonx1
(3)14) Princess Leia(20) - Small blaster. Rescue(Rebel) - Uncommonx1
(3)24) Luke as Stormtrooper(20) - Small blaster. If you have princess Leia in play this figure may attack on your turn without taking up one of your two attacks. Recruit(Luke Skywalker). - Rare (Awesome to combo with the rescue ability Leia).x1
What do you want for those (I have no more cash)
Ok so you are down to (From my original want list)
Banks of the Nile
Hidden treasures
TSA warriors
And No cash? Gimme a second Imma make a trade thread just for my stuff.
I still have $25 I just don't have anymore than that
We finally have the video up (
Nice air hockey table.
That's the back lot ;)