Author Topic: Anyone played Dragon Raid?  (Read 3971 times)

Offline Bobbert

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Anyone played Dragon Raid?
« on: October 03, 2011, 05:57:14 PM »
I know it's not a board or card game per se, but there isn't necessarily an RPG section. My question is, is the Dragon Raid Role-Playing Game any good? Has anyone played it? Can you still get adventures? How does it compare to other RPGs?
ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: Anyone played Dragon Raid?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 11:09:47 PM »
Technically, DragonRaid is a discipleship program that is built similiar to a Role Playing Game.  Game-wise, it is very simplistic.  It is not open ended.  It has very "on the rails", structured adventures because each adventure is attempting to teach the players.  A lot of problems that people have with DragonRaid is based on their assumption that it is a game.  It is a discipleship program that is structured like a game.

It is easy enough to take the world of DragonRaid and create your own, open ended adventures.  It certainly has lots of open background for you to expand upon.  When I was little, my father took the DragonRaid system and used it with several D&D adventures for me and my siblings to play through.  It worked out pretty well.

If you've played lots of other RPGS, you'll find DragonRaid simple.  It makes for a good "gateway game", teaching non gamers RPG concepts.  I used it for years in my youth group as a small group activity.  It was the BEST discipleship program I've ever had.  The kids who participated in the DragonRaid program showed incredible growth.  Hope that helps!  :)
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-Nathanial Pearson


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