Hi there! I first heard about Animo cards when I saw a discussion about it here... Then last year I saw a friend share about them, so I looked into it. It's awesome for younger kids!
Looks like every month this year, they're featuring a certain card/verse and if you share a video of your child (or even you!) reciting the verse on the card, you'll get a free holo edition of the card. Head to their website for details -
https://www.animocards.com/FYI, I personally don't want to share videos of my kids too publicly, but sharing just to my friends on facebook is something they still are honoring. My 3 year old is pumped about it, it's pretty cool

So, I thought I'd share here for everyone who has kids who aren't quite old enough to play Redemption. Or even if they are! I definitely recommend Animo for the gameplay as well, but it's definitely for younger kids. You don't have to spend too much to get the starter decks and play!