Author Topic: 2018 Rule and Errata Changes (pre FoM)  (Read 5526 times)

Offline Gabe

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2018 Rule and Errata Changes (pre FoM)
« on: April 09, 2018, 11:52:09 AM »
For the health and enjoyment of the game, prior to the release of Fall of Man in May, there are some rule changes and errata that we wish to announce. Expect this to be updated soon with all the details...

Mayhem (errata) - The following errata is being issued to eliminate an unbalanced swing in game play that Mayhem often creates.
Each player must shuffle their hand, or 6 cards at random from hand. Each player who does must draw 6.

Besieging the City (errata) - The following errata is being issued to eliminate abusive combos with forced hand clear + draw while the restrict is active.
Restrict opponent from making a rescue attempt or drawing cards (except by their opponents' special abilities) during their next turn.

Displeased Philistines (errata) - The following errata is being issued to eliminate abusive combos with forced hand clear + draw while the restrict is active.
Restrict each opponent from searching their draw pile or drawing cards (except by their opponents' special abilities) during their next turn.

Stolen Blessing (errata) - The following errata is being issued to eliminate abusive combos with forced hand clear + draw while the restrict is active.
Restrict selected opponent from drawing (except by their opponents' special abilities) during their next draw phase.

Children of Light (errata) - The following errata is being issued to remove the abusive unlimited draw opportunity created by this card.
Protect good Enhancements on this Hero from opponents. Cannot be negated by a good card.

Lost Souls Proverbs 22:14 "2-Liner" and Lost Souls Proverbs 22:14 "3-Liner" (banned) - It's unlikely that any card in the game has "stolen" more rescues away from players than the "Liners". There is no way that the game designers could have known at the cards inception that it would have so many opportunities for abuse.
Effective immediately, the Lost Souls (limited/unlimited) is banned in all formats.

Weapons held by characters (change) - We believe it is unintuitive for a weapon held by a warrior to be treated differently during battle. This causes unnecessary confusion for many players. The following change is intended to help weapons work as most players expect and to allow them to function better with the "equip" keyword that was introduced in REG 5.0.
A weapon held by a warrior continues to be held by that warrior at all times, even during battle.

An update to the REG and ORCHID which reflects all of these changes is forthcoming. We wanted to announce these as soon the official decision was made so that players will have as much time as possible to prepare for the upcoming State, Regional and National tournaments.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 02:14:37 PM by Gabe »
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