I had to resurrect this thread because I actually tried this out for fun in a teams game. Let me just say, I went all out, and it was way too far, but it was so funny seeing my opponents being so confused and stumped by Voltron KoT.

Alright, so I had the basics, KoT(PoC), Wings of Calamity, and Jericho. But, I decided to take it further.
I ran high places as well for the territory place, and gates of hell for that sweet add to battle. Ok, that's cool, but that's still not enough.
What about running stoic philosophers to protect wings in territory, and then run the GotW, TPoZ, Areopagus, and Abom, because why not? the free discards and draw control is really just the cherry on top of all the multiple layers of bullet proof armor for my territory.
Of course, just because your opponent can't draw doesn't mean you can't! I threw 4 garbage canaanites in the reserve so KoT can pull them out, give them to an opponent to CBN draw 1. Gotta get that extra little bit of sped in there.
"But wait," I hear you saying, "what if your KoT gets Rubbled?" Well, Fortify Site can grab him back from the discard from some stupid reason, and then make him protected from EVERYTHING used by your opponent until he leaves territory.
There's also several ways to get wings back from the discard pile, but I didn't put any in my deck because it was getting too big. Mist is technically the best one, but who even wants to run mist? Huldah is also a decent option if you can fit her in. Pride of simon could be interesting if you can play it off of someone like sisera or simon the magician (ap).
Obviously this combo gets shut down hard by any deck with a few NT heroes, but for all those decks in today's meta running ot prophets, this is a killer defense. There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing your opponent helpless against your unstoppable mobile blob of bullet proof shields.